Monday, September 12, 2011

Chronic Urticaria - Idiopathic Chronic Urticaria Treatment

The medical name for hives is chronic idiopathic urticaria. This skin disease causes a lot of itching and swelling on the skin and can be very irritating. It has the name idiopathic because, the root cause for this disease cannot be determined. The causes of urticaria are numerous mostly being the allergies of food or drugs. Some non-allergic factors like heavy perspiration, excessive exertion, fever, insect bites and overheating the body are also responsible for this skin disorder. Urticaria can affect anybody and at any age. Children suffer the most in this skin disorder.

If the patients take a lot of good care of them then they can keep themselves away from the horrible itches and swellings. Firstly, they should take strict diets to avoid food triggers and building a stronger immune system. Raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grain cereals and seeds are some of the healthy sources of energy but make sure that it is not causing malnutrition. Avoid vast intake of caffeine, alcohol and meat. Once or twice in a week can be all right but not consistently, because these things are hard to digest and thus cause chronic urticaria. Avoid taking stress because it also worsens urticaria. Intense heat or hot baths can also be one of the triggers of urticaria instead try to stay cool.

From the past few years, homeopathic treatment is found to be the best treatment for urticaria. It will the symptoms quickly and make the immune system very effective. Following are some of the homeopathic medicines that are very effective for different types of urticaria.


This medicine is appropriate for those urticaria patients who got it from insect stings or eating shellfish. It is prepared from plant called stinging nettle. It is a good medicine for recurring urticaria, which keeps coming back every year.


This is one of the most common medicines for curing urticaria. It is appropriate for that urticaria that occurs due to exposure to very chilly area or water. Recommended is to keep this medicine warm because if it gets cold, it becomes harmful.


This homeopathic medicine is made from normal salt that is sodium chloride and can be very useful for urticaria. Besides this skin disorder it is also effectual for other disorder like migraine, asthma, lichen planus, eczema etc. it is normally stipulated for chronic urticaria.


This one is another homeopathic curing medicine for urticaria. It helps in removing the symptoms like red swellings on the body, swellings after insect bites, huge urticaria etc. patients that take this medicine should always stay in open air or in moderately cold areas and avoid heat.

If you want to learn more about chronic urticaria treatment then visit

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Chronic Urticaria Treatment - 3 Proven Methods of Treating Chronic Idiopathic Hives

Living Without Embarrassing Daily Hives-Is It Possible?

Whether you've been dealing with the pain and inconvenience of urticaria for years or have only recently started experiencing hives, you may be interested in learning about some of the methods of chronic urticaria treatment. Hives (Urticaria) are a surprising complicated problem (at least the chronic variety are) but there are a number of ways to address them. Let's look at three methods.

First, many people will rely upon antihistamines as part of the treatment of hives. As the name suggests, these medications block or retard the body's production of histamines, which can reduce the inflammation, and itchiness of hives. In turn, that can lead them to disappear more quickly which is perfect for those suffering with acute urticaria.

The First & Most Common Method of Urticaria Treatment-Starts Here.

#1: This is the usual "first step" in hives treatment. It's based on the idea that hives are an acute allergic response on the part of the sufferer. While it works wonderfully for many people who develop an occasional "case of hives," it usually fails to provide significant relief for those with chronic urticaria.

#2: Second, some individuals prefer a more natural approach to dealing with their hives and may opt to use natural herbs as a way of dealing with their symptoms. Although this would initially appear to be a very different form of chronic urticaria treatment than reliance on pharmaceutical antihistamines, it's really quite similar.

The herbs people use basically hold natural antihistamine properties. They contain compounds that discourage histamine production. As such, the efficacy of herbal chronic urticaria treatment is quite pronounced. Again, it may be helpful for those who have mild problems or who just need some additional relief from some symptoms, but it certainly won't cure the ailment.

#3: Third, a growing number of individuals are using a chronic urticaria treatment approach that works from a different premise than those who interpret hives merely as a byproduct of an allergy. This method maintains that urticaria is the result of the immune systems reaction to a build up of micro-parasites and toxins in the body.

An Obvious Distinction Between Treating Urticaria Symptoms & Dealing With The Cause of Urticaria.

Obviously, this difference in presupposition lends itself to a different method of treating chronic urticaria. Instead of focusing on the hives themselves, this strategy aids the body in dealing with the underlying cause of the condition. This approach may not be necessary for those with mild hives, but it does show tremendous results as a cure for hives among those with more serious and chronic conditions.

Considering a Natural Cure For Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria.

Managing and attempting to cure urticaria can be a tricky proposition. Some people will immediately respond to traditional medications, others will prefer natural remedies. Some will want to consider a natural approach that attempts to cure the disorder at a root level.

How To Treat The Cause Of Chronic Urticaria & Gain Sustained Relief.

Urticaria is often apparent for many reasons & while many people including doctors see chronic urticaria as nothing more than an allergic reaction, long term sufferers will know different.. Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria is not a straightforward allergy & needs to be treated in a completely different way. To find out more: Click Here [].

Sustained urticaria (hives) relief can only be achieved by addressing and correcting the underlying cause of the condition of which there may be many. Having said that permanent relief can often be achieved using a simple natural procedure Find Out More Here [].

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Urticaria In Children - A Complicated Problem To Manage

Urticaria or simply put, rashes and hives can occur in a human body because of many reasons. Among all the mankind, children are the ones who are most addicted to junk foods and like to eat anything that looks attractive. This is the reason why urticaria in children is becoming more common. It is not very much difficult to treat neither in adults nor in children. There are many treatments now available that can be used against the disease on temporary basis or permanently as well. Children while playing with their friends in the park can catch these germs of urticaria as mentioned earlier that the reason can be anything. Unfortunately, environmental factors play a major part in developing urticaria in children.

Hives is a result of further vigorous chemical histamine. This streams outwards, effecting in red marks. Additionally blood vessels underneath are triggered.

There are various cures available. This includes anti histamines of H1 or H2, recommended by allopathic clinics. Contrastingly, the homeopathic medication heals hives - as well as seeking the cause of disease. It also stops chronic ailment. Similarly, Apis mellfica can remove the burning from intense desires of itching, specifically in the nighttime. A doctor while advice Boavista if the whole body is enclosed with rashes. Likewise Dulcamara is recommended if hives are a result of change in weather.

Urticaria in children if is not treated in its initial stages then may be it can develop into something very alarming and dangerous in nature. Children's immune system can be damaged which can cause further complications in their body. Different treatments are also there in order to prevent the problem from developing. The problem itself is not a big one, but close monitoring of the activities is required. They should not be allowed to sit for a long time in sun light, as sun rays can also be one cause.

So, in my opinion avoiding the causes themselves is the best remedy whether it is the case of children or adults. But, a little attention is required when it comes to children. Best of luck with that, as it is very hard to keep an eye on children.

For more information regarding the safety of your children, you can visit urticaria in children and urticaria itching.